Your guide to

The CITE Program

Addiction SELF-HELP and
Coaching To Change your life


What is CITE?

When it comes to our lives, there are certain barriers that may block us from achieving successful positive change. Over time, we may develop deeply embedded irrational thoughts from continued exposure to certain traumatic events in our lives. These irrational thoughts are strongly attached to our emotions, which may push us toward automatic negative behaviors and actions. These emotions and irrational thoughts become barriers between us and our goals.

Challenging Irrational Thoughts and Emotions (CITE) coaching teaches how to identify barriers, challenge irrational thoughts, and make lasting positive changes.

Change your thinking and you will change your life!

The CITE Approach

We understand that life can continuously test us, and that the greatest rewards are waiting for those who demonstrate an ongoing commitment toward achieving their goals and maintaining them. This sort of commitment doesn’t end at a specific milestone, but rather, remains a constant priority in our lives.

CITE is a commitment based “no nonsense” approach to positive change. The only promise is: if you want it, if work at it, and if you are are committed to change, you will find success.

It’s up to you! It begins with the desire to change and commit. No matter the negative behavior, no matter the past, it comes down being all in.
— CITE Program

Stand out.


    When we get wrapped up in negative thought patterns we can become complacent. Don’t settle for complacent. Commit yourself to change. You have to want it with all of your heart. Do not settle for anything less.


    Be committed to success, be open, and don’t overthink it. The beauty of goals is that they always grow and evolve. Your goal is to be in the moment, to be healthy, and to be happy.